Coffee Day >> Green Tea Lemon

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Green Tea Lemon

This tea might give you more energy than you would think because it is created with the best plucks and infused with a little lemon zest. Its flavor delights from the aroma, a soothing blend of subtle green tea with zesty undertones. With a pleasing citrus smell, it is smooth on the palate and ends with a balanced sweet-sour aftertaste. A preferred drink for fat burners and one that keeps you active is the coffee day green tea lemon flavor dip bag. Because of its catechins, green tea also aids in supplying more calories. Green tea has anti-aging qualities that prevent wrinkles and barely noticeable changes in look. The impact is increased by almost 80 percent when green tea with a lemon flavor combination dip bag is consumed every day. Citrus counteracts the effects of catechins and keeps them from spreading throughout the digestive system.

Coffee day green tea lemon flavor dip bag is one of the best favorite beverages for fat burners and helps to maintain your fitness activity. Green tea also helps in accord more calories due to its catechins. Green tea contains anti-aging properties that forestall barely recognizable appearance differences and wrinkles.

Having a daily cup of green tea with a lemon flavor combination dip bag enhances the catechin effect by more than 80 percent. Citrus will balance out the impact on catechin and prevents them from being disseminated in the digestive tract.


Type Tea Bags
Brand Coffee Day
Flavor Lemon
Packaging Type Box
Quantity 25 Bags
Shelf Life 12 Months
Ingredient Type Vegetarian
Dietary Preference No Cholesterol
Added Preservatives No